
LibreOffice can create a fillable form document, which can then be exported to PDF, creating an interactive forms PDF. 

PDF is a very popular format for static document that doesn’t require changes. You may also have seen PDF files that come with form that you can fill in. In case you are wondering how you can create a PDF file with fillable form, here is one easy way you can do so, and it is free of charge, and on any platform (Windows, macOS or Linux), using LibreOffice writer.

See the article on Linux Uprising for how to create a document containing forms in LibreOffice Writer, and how to then export it to a Forms PDF document.

Common forms that can be created with LibreOffice, and then exported to PDF, include:

  • Check box - a flag field that can be ticked or un-ticked, see e.g. language check box fields.
  • Text box - a simple text edit, see e.g. Family Name field.
  • List box - a list box where user selects one of the listed elements. See Gender field.
  • Combo box - a combined list and text box; i.e. user can either use list or type a new text. See Country field.

These field types should be enough to make most forms. To keep it simple, it is recommend to only use these for the time being. Some of the other field types, may or may not work correctly with all PDF viewers and LibreOffice.

    libreoffice pdf

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